Caffeine is a stimulant substance found in tea leaves, coffee, and cocoa beans. When consumed, caffeine inhibits adenosine receptors in the brain. These help us relax and chill out, so we are more awake and alert when these receptors are inhibited by caffeine consumption. Caffeine affects many parts of the body due to the stimulatory effect, and many people do not know how much they consume. An average amount of caffeine is 70 -150mg (the same as 1-2 cups of coffee). Many pre-workout supplements and caffeine pills can contain up to 300mg per serving/dosage. It is important to know the harmful effects of caffeine so you can get to the root of unwanted symptoms.
9 Natural PCOS Hair Loss Treatment Ideas
PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition where the patient has two or more of the following diagnostic criteria elevated androgens (testosterone / DHEA), polycystic ovaries found on ultrasound, and/or anovulatory cycles (irregular periods). One of the common symptoms of PCOS is head hair loss. When the female hair follicle becomes minimized, this increases the terminal follicle and the strand will fall out resulting in hair loss.
High androgen levels can promote hair loss because of the increased production of DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. DHT is made from a reaction between testosterone and the enzyme dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA. DHT is an opponent of hair follicles and the more it is produced the more it will create hair loss and minimize the hair follicle. High levels of testosterone, an indicator of PCOS, will catalyze this reaction to form DHT and therefore lose hair. Luckily there are natural remedies that can rebalance androgen levels back down to normal to hopefully aid in less hair loss.
What Are The Fertility Rates By Age?
Considering the societal shift of recent years portraying reproduction as a milestone to hit after setting a career path leaves the question of whether delaying reproduction negatively affects fertility. In the past, the goal of parents was to have babies earlier on so that the chance of healthy pregnancy was higher. In those times, this was acceptable because fewer women were working full-time jobs, so it didn’t matter to reproduce at a younger age. Times have changed, and more and more women are working full time and are focused on building a career for themselves independent of their partner, resulting in a delay in reproduction. This shift has led many people to believe that ‘30 is the new 20’ when talking about reproduction. Age is one of the easiest ways to predict fertility, but it is not the only indicator. Let’s dive into the truth of the matter and see how much fertility rates by age can change and the biological evidence for when fertility can start to decline.
How To Form A Gut-Healing Diet Plan
Recently gut health has become a hot topic where many people are realizing their digestive patterns are not normal and usually highly uncomfortable. After going so long with regularly painful stomach issues, constipation, nausea etc, it is important to dig deep and figure out what the root cause is. The gut is a lot more important than most would expect. The gut relates to digestion, but also hormone balance, immunity, and mental health. This why gut health is important and we should strive to improve our gut. Here we will discuss how to improve gut health by talking about how to form a gut-healing diet plan. The word diet here really just means eating pattern or eating style. It does not mean that this way of eating will cause weight loss, that is not the goal.
23 Natural PMS Remedies
PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome which is defined as life-disrupting physiological and psychological changes in the luteal phase of the cycle. Symptoms include cramps, bloating, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. After the menstrual cycle begins, symptoms typically disappear. PMS can be predicted due to hormone imbalances with estrogen and progesterone, specifically high estrogen and low progesterone. During the start of the luteal phase, which occurs after ovulation, progesterone is increasing, but if pregnancy doesn’t happen, progesterone will drop by the end of the phase. This drop-in progesterone may be more extreme for some women and this causes estrogen to increase rapidly. Additionally, this hormone imbalance can be caused by other factors such as stress. This extreme shift in hormone levels could be the cause of PMS symptoms. There is a solution though because are so many nutrients are herbs that make up the natural PMS remedies.
8 Stress Causing Foods
Stress is a response we have to external factors but also internal factors like the food we eat. Certain foods are not well digested or processed in the body resulting in gut issues, inflammation, or hormone imbalances. Over time, the body responds in defense, and cortisol levels will increase. Cortisol is our stress hormone and when released too much, this can cause other imbalances in the body. Stress and gut health are tied very closely together so when a food negatively impacts the gut, our stress levels will increase.
The goal of gut health is to make our gut bacteria happy and to properly digest food. Our gut is lined with a variety of healthy bacteria which aid in the digestion and absorption process. Though we do not want to have too much or too little of the healthy bacteria, and we also need a broad diversity of different kinds of healthy bacteria. Certain foods can negatively impact these gut bacteria, resulting in painful symptoms like constipation, bloating, gas, or diarrhea, and over time with regular consumption, this can increase your stress levels. Note that the stress causing foods mentioned here can still be included in a healthy diet regime. It is just important to be aware of how frequently you are eating these foods to limit their consumption, but there’s no need to eliminate them.
8 Exercise Addiction Symptoms
While exercise is a beneficial habit to work into your lifestyle to prolong your life and decrease the risk of disease, it can become an addiction and cause issues. Decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, decreased blood pressure, decreased cortisol levels, improved sleep, and improved mental health are all evidence-based benefits of regular exercising. All able-bodied people should implement some form of exercise in their life when possible to reap these benefits, but some people take exercise to another level and it quickly becomes an addiction. Just like we should have a healthy relationship with food, we should have a healthy relationship with exercise. It should be done to make us happy and healthy, but we shouldn’t exercise because we feel like we need to. Addictions to exercise stem from bad relationships with food, bad body image, and false information from the media. Here we will discuss how to know what the exercise addiction symptoms are.
9 Reasons Why Alcohol Is Bad
Alcohol can be enjoyed during celebrations and holidays for socializing, but it comes with a price to your health. It isn’t a surprise that alcohol is not the healthiest beverage to consume. The third most preventable cause of death is from alcohol-related causes coming in at 95,000 deaths per year. Drinking more than 4 alcoholic beverages for men and 3 for women per day is considered heavy drinking and can put high levels of harm on your body. Here we will discuss the reasons why alcohol is bad for your body.
Why Is Diet Culture Bad
In today’s society, many people only know how to eat if they are following a diet or meal plan. With so much misinformation and cherry-picked evidence, many companies have been able to profit off the average American’s little education on nutrition by selling diet books, pills, shakes, and meal plans. All of these without any professional unbiased review. Over the years, the diet culture and weight loss services have built up an empire industry of $2.6 billion in market size. One would hope that such a large industry would be in business to benefit the population. Unfortunately, this is not the case with diet culture because in reality, it causes you to have a worse relationship with food, your body, and your health. Diet culture is bad and it can and will take over one’s sense of self and their own health.
7 Best Probiotics for Gut Health
Gut health is extremely important for digestion, absorption of nutrients, stress levels, and mental health. Foods that contain probiotics help to maintain a healthy gut.
The intestines in our gut contain multiple tiny microorganisms, like bacteria, that are beneficial to improve the absorption of nutrients and defend against toxins. The balance of this bacteria is very important and it’s called the gut microbiome. Sometimes the good bacteria can decrease and the bad bacteria can increase, causing issues.
Probiotics help to support beneficial gut bacteria balance. The bacteria from the probiotics line the digestive tract and act as a defense against pathogens from passing through. Probiotics can help to reduce bloating, gas, and diarrhea by improving the bacteria balance in the intestines. Fermented foods are great probiotic food sources to help support a healthy gut microbiome. Fermentation is the process of a microorganism converting or breaking down a substance in a chemical reaction.