20 Reasons for Heavy Painful Periods

20 Reasons for Heavy Painful Periods

There are many reasons for heavy painful periods. While period cramps and heaviness are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate an imbalance in the body.

Endometriosis is an extreme case of period pain and requires a medical diagnosis. This condition has life-disrupting period pain and heaviness characterized by a growth of uterine tissue somewhere else in the body.

A heavy period consists of...

1. A period lasting longer than 7 days

2. Losing more than 80 mL of blood per cycle (or 16 regular tampons or pads)

3. Changing tampons or pads every hour or two

4. Needing to double up on period protection products

5. Having to wake up to change your tampon or pad in the night

6. Planning activities around your heavy period

7. Blood clots the size of a quarter or bigger

10 Best Foods For PCOS

10 Best Foods For PCOS

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a hormone-related condition that can affect your cycle and fertility. If untreated, PCOS can eventually develop and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It is diagnosed by having two out of the following three symptoms listed below. As a syndrome, there is a collection of symptoms that are patient-dependent. Due to this, PCOS can present very differently from person to person. It is important to understand the root causes driving your condition and receive proper treatment for each cause. In addition to treatment, there are certain foods that contain vital components that can regulate hormone levels and blood sugar. Before listing the foods, first, let’s go over the diagnostic criteria of PCOS.

8 Foods To Avoid For Anxiety

8 Foods To Avoid For Anxiety

About 20% of the American population struggles with anxiety and it is the most common psychiatric disorder. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. Some physical symptoms associated with anxiety are increased heartbeat, sweating, shaking, and shortness of breath. Anxiety can be tied to something specific like something stressing us out, or we can feel generalized feelings of anxiety.

Since anxiety is a mental disorder that can result from too much stress or cortisol (our stress hormone), this means that anxiety plays a role in the gut-brain axis. This axis shows us that our gut health is crucial for the health of our mental well-beingtoo. The gut houses a large diversity of healthy gut bacteria which aid in digestion and absorption of our food. When disrupted, the gut microbiome becomes imbalanced and negatively impacts hormone levels and our stress and anxiety levels. This is why it is important to consume the right foods and know what foods to avoid for anxiety.

Note that the foods to avoid for anxiety mentioned here can still be included in a healthy diet regime. It is just important to be aware of how frequently you are eating these foods to limit their consumption, but there’s no need to eliminate them in totality.

8 Benefits of Omega 3 for Hormone Balance

8 Benefits of Omega 3 for Hormone Balance

Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid; essential means we must get it from food because our body isn’t able to make it itself. Omega 3s are forms of healthy polyunsaturated fats. There are 3 main types of omega-3s: DHA, EPA, and ALA. The usable form that the body needs is DHA and EPA – the best food sources are fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines. Microalgae is really the only good plant-based source of DHA/EPA, and it can be found in supplemental form.

While we hear about omega-3s in nuts and seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts, this is the ALA form of omega 3s. ALA is not readily used in the body as is, it must be first converted into DHA and EPA but this conversion percentage is very low, about 10%, so it is more beneficial to consume omega 3s in the DHA and EPA form. Here we will talk about all of the benefits of omega 3s.

7 Benefits of Zinc for Women

7 Benefits of Zinc for Women

Zinc is an essential trace mineral in our body that we need in order to carry out many essential functions in the body to keep chemical systems operating. It helps to grow and repair tissues, supports the immune system, and is required for the function of enzymes. Fortunately, zinc does a lot more than just keep our body function, it can be supplemented opportunistically to help with additional health issues. Zinc-rich foods include oysters, yogurt, pumpkin seeds, lamb, chickpeas, hemp seeds, spinach, and cashews.

8 Benefits of Vitamin D for Women 

8 Benefits of Vitamin D for Women 

Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. Essential means that our body can not make it on its own. Fat-soluble means that we need to consume adequate fat in the diet to optimize the absorption of the vitamin. Vitamin D can be consumed through the diet from salmon and fortified milk, but it is much more abundant and bioavailable when sourced from 15 minutes of direct sunlight. For those who do not live in sunny climates, vitamin D deficiency is more common and supplementation becomes necessary. Here we will talk about all of the benefits of vitamin D for women.

13 Good Gut Health Foods

13 Good Gut Health Foods

Recently gut health has become a hot topic where many people are realizing their digestive patterns are not normal and usually highly uncomfortable. After going so long with regularly painful stomach issues, constipation, nausea etc, it is important to dig deeper and figure out what is the root cause.

The gut generally refers to the entire gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, but specifically, here the gut will refer to the intestines. The gut is a lot more important than most would expect. The gut relates to digestion, but also hormone balance, immunity, nutrient absorption, and mental health. This is why gut health is important and we should strive to improve it. Here we will discuss all the good gut health foods.

What is Pregnancy Planning?

What is Pregnancy Planning?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for couples, but there are a lot of things you need to know and understand to have a successful conception. It can be overwhelming when you first learn about pregnancy planning but just know that starting early is the best way to ensure that you are prepared. Many of the topics covered here will help guide you to understand and balance your hormones. A successful and healthy pregnancy mostly relies on the state of your personal estrogen and progesterone levels. Without knowing how to track and balance these levels, it will take longer to achieve a successful pregnancy.

  • Nutrition is important because many foods we eat contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which help reduce stress during pregnancy planning. Some foods even contain the building blocks for our hormones aiding in the production of stable levels.

  • Understanding ovulation is important because without ovulation you will not be able to conceive.

  • Knowing how to track ovulation is important as well because you need to time your intercourse around this period so that the sperm and egg can actually meet.

12 Best Prebiotic Food Sources

12 Best Prebiotic Food Sources

Prebiotics are indigestible fibers found naturally in foods that benefit our gut health. When consumed, this prebiotics will feed the healthy bacteria in our gut. Feeding these bacteria is important because they will starve and die without the nutrients and then our microbial diversity will decrease. Gut bacteria is one of the most important factors in the entirety of our gut health. These bacteria help to digest and absorb nutrients, pass bowel movements, and defend against pathogens. Prebiotics can also promote the immune system against illness, and they can help improve bone health because the prebiotics help to absorb calcium.