How to Track Ovulation

How to Track Ovulation

Ovulation takes place around halfway between 2 consecutive menstruations. After your period, your estrogen starts to rise during the follicular phase, the first half of your cycle. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) increases during the follicular phase to tell your ovaries to produce an egg and right before you ovulate you have an LH surge (luteinizing hormone) to tell your ovary to release the egg. Once you have ovulated your progesterone should kick in, rise, then peak. Just after ovulation your hormones peak. This is the time when your energy is the highest, you may feel like doing more things, maybe you’re more social during this time.

6 Foods to Eat During Ovulation

6 Foods to Eat During Ovulation

Ovulation takes place around day 13-15 of your cycle, it is the halfway point between two consecutive periods. During ovulation, your hormones are the highest at this time. After your period your estrogen starts to rise during the follicular phase, the first half of your cycle. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) increases during the follicular phase to tell your ovaries to produce an egg and right before you ovulate you have an LH surge (luteinizing hormone) to tell your ovary to release the egg. Once you have ovulated your progesterone should kick in, rise, then peak. Just after ovulation your hormones peak. This is the time when your energy is the highest, you may feel like doing more things, maybe you’re more social during this time. To support this time of the month, it is important to be consuming the right foods to eat during ovulation.