12 Signs of High Estrogen

12 Signs of High Estrogen 

Estrogen is a growth hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of the female reproductive system. It is actually a family of hormones that includes: estradiol (E2 - our main estrogen), estriol (E3 - the predominant estrogen during pregnancy), and estrone (E1 - the predominant estrogen in menopause).

Estrogen is released in high amounts during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle which is the first two weeks leading up to ovulation. Estrogen is released from the ovaries, fat tissue, and adrenal glands.

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The main functions of estrogen include:

  • building up the uterine wall for the menstrual cycle

  • stimulating the growth of the egg follicle

  • developing breast tissue

  • stabilizing bone density

  • controlling the metabolism of glucose and lipids.

High levels of estrogen can cause:

  • irregular periods

  • period pain

  • period cramps

  • tender breasts

  • PMS

  • bloating

  • constipation

  • anxiety

  • mood swings

  • headaches

If you have high estrogen levels then this is a picture of estrogen dominance, or elevated estrogen in relation to progesterone.

There are several patterns of estrogen dominance:

  • high estrogen and normal progesterone

  • high estrogen and low progesterone

  • normal estrogen and low progesterone

  • normal estrogen and normal progesterone, but low progesterone to estrogen (Pg/E2) ratio


If you’ve gone to your doctor looking for a solution for your high estrogen levels, you may have been offered birth control.

While there may be a time and place for birth control, you’re wondering: “is there a way to lower estrogen levels naturally that I could try first?”

Or maybe you’ve tried birth control and it didn’t work for you.

The good news (actually, great, amazing, fantastic news) is YES - there are ways to help lower high estrogen levels in the body.

So how can you lower estrogen naturally if you have high levels? 

The important question we need to be asking is: why is my estrogen high in the first place?

This is taking a root cause approach when it comes to understanding our health and hormones. When we answer this question, we are understanding what is driving the imbalance (which is showing up as symptoms in the body).

By addressing the root cause, not simply just the symptom (or the hormone imbalance for that matter), we can find long-term, sustained healing.

As always, I’m giving away my best hormone tips here, answering your burning questions, and letting you in on the what the science says.

I’m here to help you have better periods, symptomless cycles, and optimize fertility (whether that’s now or in the future) all through simple nutrition and lifestyle shifts that feel simple, doable, and empowering (not overwhelming). 


As always, I’m giving away my best hormone tips here, answering your burning questions, and letting you in on the what the science says.

This is the kind of insider info I share with all of my 1:1 coaching clients and students in my signature course, Heal Your Period.

I’m so passionate about sharing this info with anyone on a hormone healing journey, so I’m letting you in with all the info here!

So, let’s dive in into it!


I have so many hormone, period, and fertility resources that it would be impossible to pack it all into this one article!

There is so much noise and confusion around nutrition and lifestyle shifts to healing your hormones with clarity and ease, which is why I’m so passionate about getting this info into your hands!

Click to view all of my articles!

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    What are signs of high estrogen levels?

    Here are 12 signs and symptoms of high estrogen:

    1. Breast Tenderness

    Breast soreness or tender breasts are very common signs of high estrogen. Usually, this occurs a little bit before ovulation around day 12-15 of your cycle. Additionally, progesterone is at an all-time low during this time while estrogen is high, and because of the difference in hormone levels, this puts stress on the breast tissue causing them to hurt. 

    Source: 27493619

    2. PMS

    Premenstrual syndrome or (PMS) is another one of the signs of high estrogen. It is defined as life-disrupting physiological and psychological changes in the luteal phase of the cycle. Symptoms include cramps, bloating, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. After the menstrual cycle begins, symptoms typically disappear. During the start of the luteal phase, progesterone is increasing, but if pregnancy doesn’t happen it will drop by the end of the phase. This drop-in progesterone causes estrogen to increase again which can cause many of the symptoms for PMS. 

    Nausea is another one of the signs of high estrogen in women experiencing PMS because a study found that estrogen can stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is used to relax smooth muscle in the stomach. This causes a decrease in gastric emptying and the time food spends in the intestines. 

    Source: 21601782


    3. Bloating

    Bloating is also one of the signs of high estrogen. A study found that in the luteal phase, water retention, as well as sodium retention, increased with high administration of estrogen. This happens because the estrogen lowers the osmotic threshold for which water is reabsorbed in the body. The hormone arginine vasopressin is responsible for the reabsorption of water into the body. When estrogen levels are high, this threshold is lowered and therefore more water will be contained rather than excreted through urine which causes the body to bloat.

    Source: 18580296

    4. Anxiety  

    Anxiety is a mental illness where feelings of worry, anxiousness, and fear can overpower aspects of one’s day. It is additionally one of the signs of high estrogen. A study found that administering rats with an optimal dosage of estrogen can balance them out and cause anxiety and depressive tendencies to decrease. Estrogen plays a key role in balancing the emotional response so this is why anxiety is a sign of high estrogen. 

    Source: NIMH, 16554740

    5. Mood Swings and Irritability

    Mood swings are another one of the signs of high estrogen. Mood and cognition stability are both heavily reliant on estrogen balance. Estradiol and estrone are different forms of the estrogen molecule that we produce. Estradiol binds to both alpha estrogen receptor and beta estrogen receptor whereas estrone only binds to the beta estrogen receptor. Because of this, it has been shown that estradiol is more beneficial to balance out mood swings and has antidepressant effects when taken in normal limits, but with increased levels it can cause mood swings and unstable emotions which are signs of high estrogen. 

    Source: 23990808

    6. Heavy Bleeding

    Heavy menstrual bleeding is defined as secreting more than 80 mL of blood per menstrual cycle, though it is reported that about 50% of females who report heavy menstrual bleeding, do not meet the 80 mL standard. The normal bleeding amount is only 50-60 mL of blood. Heavy bleeding is caused by polyps which are when there is enlarged tissue growth in the endometrial cavity. Estrogen functions to build up the endometrial wall for menstruation, so heavy menstrual bleeding is another one of the signs of high estrogen. 

    Source: 26695831

    7. Brain Fog

    Confusion, forgetfulness, and inability to focus are all noted as brain fog and can be another one of the signs of high estrogen. A study found that estrogen receptors have a very important role in cognition and brain function. Due to this, when estrogen is too high, these functions can become hindered to cause brain fog.

    Source: 29311911

    8. Migraines / Cyclical Headaches

    Migraines are another symptom of PMS and can be one of the signs of high estrogen. This is because estrogen can interfere with cellular responsiveness and cerebral vessels. Through passive diffusion, estrogen can cross the blood-brain barrier very easily, so this causes the brain levels of the hormone to reflect the levels within the rest of the body’s circulation. When levels of estrogen are high in circulation in the body, this causes an increase of  estrogen in the brain too. Additionally, estrogen can affect the pain network which is involved in migraine activation. 

    Source: 22367631

    9. Insomnia

    Insomnia is the difficulty of falling asleep at night. Balanced hormone levels are extremely important for good sleep. A study found that in both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who were administered a low dose of estradiol there was an increase in sleep quality and insomnia was decreased. The study concluded that balanced estrogen can have positive effects on sleep quality. This shows that insomnia can be one of the causes of high estrogen because we need stable levels to have a good night's rest. 

    Source: 25325454

    10. Thyroid Issues

    The 2 kinds of estrogen receptors alpha estrogen receptor and beta estrogen receptor are important components in the growth of follicular thyroid cells. A study found that the increased amounts of alpha and beta estrogen receptors are linked to overgrowth of the thyroid cells to potentially result in a tumor. Too much estrogen has the inability to regulate genes and thyroid progression which show that thyroid issues are one of the signs of high estrogen. 

    Source: 21687614

    11. Low Sex Drive

    Libido or low sex drive is another one of the signs of high estrogen. Sex drive is highly dependent on the balance of hormones between testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. When estrogen is high and out of balance, then this will cause a change in homeostasis of the other hormones. This is why low sex drive is another one of the signs of high estrogen. 

    Source: 26589379

    12. Painful Periods

    Painful periods or dysmenorrhea is noted as painful cramps during menstruation. The cramps in the uterus can be caused by high amplitude contractions, increased uterine tone, and high levels of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are sex hormones that work in opposition with progesterone, so when progesterone decreases right before menstruation, then prostaglandin will increase. Prostaglandins in the reproductive system aid in contractions for labor, but when you are not in labor these contractions are labeled as cramps. As mentioned before progesterone is in opposition with estrogen so estrogen rises as a result. This is why painful periods are one of the signs of high estrogen. 

    Source: 28944048

    Final Thoughts

    There are several signs of high estrogen levels you body may be showing you.

    Remember: simple shifts build to make a big impact over time!

    Healthy estrogen levels are possible for you.


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    If you’re looking for individualized support for period problems, PCOS, endometriosis, stopping birth control, and/or fertility I’m your person! I have select spaces each month for:

    Krista is an integrative dietitian helping you have regular, pain-free periods, symptomless cycles, and optimal fertility! Together we cover: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, cycle tracking, supplements, navigating doctor appointments, and lab testing.

    My signature online program, Heal Your Period is open for enrollment!

    This is your personalized solution for regular, pain-free periods, symptomless cycles, & optimal fertility (now or later), without complicated, soul-sucking protocols, lists of foods you can’t eat, or spending tons of $$$ on unnecessary supplements.

    Heal Your Period is an online course with access to me to answer your burning hormone questions each month! Watch this for a special savings offer!

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