10 Remedies for Natural PMS Relief

10 Remedies for Natural PMS Relief

PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is a set of symptoms experienced about two weeks before your period. Typical symptoms include tender breasts, cramps, mood swings, bloating, fatigue, cravings, gut issues, headaches, or insomnia - not fun!

While it may be common to pop an ibuprofen or even take the birth control pill to manage our PMS symptoms, this approach is not truly healing the root cause of the symptoms. You see, PMS is extremely common, but that does not mean it is normal or something we have to just “deal with” every month.

There are different remedies for natural PMS relief that work by addressing the underlying drivers of your PMS symptoms. Specifically, we want to work on balancing estrogen and progesterone levels, lowering inflammation, and supporting our mood chemicals, all of which we can do through food, targeted herbs or supplements, and lifestyle changes. Natural PMS relief is definitely possible for you.

Here are 10 remedies for natural PMS relief:

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that can help ease period cramping and pain, making them a great remedy for natural PMS relief. They have anti-inflammatory properties that can help balance out prostaglandins that are anti-inflammatory products produced in the body and when produced in higher amounts can mean more severe cramping [source, source].

The best absorbed form of omega-3s are called DHA and EPA that are found in fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and fish oil. While there are plant foods that contain omega-3s like walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseeds, these contain the form called ALA which does not convert to DHA and EPA that well. Since we need these essential nutrients, for vegans or those who don’t eat fish you can get enough by taking an algae-based omega-3 supplement which is a plant-based alternative for fish oil.

Remedy for natural PMS relief: include fish like salmon or sardines at least 2x/week or include an omega-3 fish oil or algae-based supplement

2. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 can help to reduce PMS symptoms like cramps, especially when combined with magnesium [source], making it another great remedy for natural PMS relief. It is crucial for helping over 100 chemical reactions occur in the body and plays a vital role in mood, anxiety, and hormone balance, specifically by helping to balance estrogen and progesterone levels. B vitamins are also crucial for adrenal function, or supporting our stress response. If we’re overly stressed all of our hormones can feel the impact. Include foods like organic chicken or turkey, chickpeas, salmon, and avocados. Prolonged vitamin B6 supplementation of 200 mg or above may lead to nerve damage [source]. Work with a healthcare provider to determine the best supplement protocol for your body.

Remedy for natural PMS relief: include foods rich in vitamin B6 and possibly consider a supplement

3. Magnesium

Magnesium plays a crucial role in the production of your hormones and can help to balance the stress response [source]. Many of us have low magnesium levels, but it goes unrecognized in clinical medicine because levels are rarely evaluated [source]. You can think of magnesium as our calming and relaxing mineral. It helps to loosen tight muscles, maintain the health of our muscles (including our heart – the most important muscle), prevent migraine headaches, balance blood sugar, ease anxiety due to it’s role in our stress response, and ease PMS symptoms. For all of these reasons magnesium is a great remedy for natural PMS relief. Food sources of magnesium include nuts, seeds, avocados, dark leafy greens, and dark chocolate (70% cacao). Including these magnesium foods can help to find natural PMS relief.

Remedy for natural PMS relief: include magnesium-rich foods like or consider a magnesium supplement

4. Clary Sage Essential Oil

Another great remedy for natural PMS relief is clary sage essential oil. Clary sage oil has been shown to help ease menstrual cramping, pain, and other PMS symptoms [source, source]. One study showed that an essential oil blend of clary sage, marjoram, cinnamon, ginger, and geranium in a base of almond oil showed a higher reduction of period pain compared to the group that took acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) for period pain [source]. It is common to see this essential oil in blends to help relieve period symptoms. You can get an essential oil roller and rub into your stomach when cramps arise.

Remedy for natural PMS relief: get a clary sage essential oil roller

5. red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red raspberry leaf tea can actually be used as a PMS relief tea. Evidence has found that red raspberry leaf tea has been used to help relieve muscle spasms associated with the menstrual cycle for at least 30 years [source]. Even though this tea does not actually taste like raspberries, a fresh brewed cup with a splash of honey or cranberry can be a great combination to help relieve your PMS.

Remedy for natural PMS relief: try a cup of red raspberry leaf tea in the days leading up to your period

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    6. Epsom Salt Bath

    Epsom salts are actually magnesium salts. When added to water they dissolve quickly and release magnesium that the body can absorb through the skin [source]. Taking an epsom salt bath can help to relax the body and relieve muscle tension, often associated with cramping during or before your period, making this a great remedy for natural PMS relief.

    Remedy for natural PMS relief: take an epsom salt bath in the evening to relax during the luteal phase

    7. Maca Powder

    Maca powder is an adaptogenic herb that can help with hormone balancing. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals that can help ease period symptoms like magnesium and vitamin B6. Gelatinized maca has been shown to have beneficial effects on premenstrual symptoms [source].

    Remedy for natural PMS relief: add a tsp of maca powder to your morning beverage, smoothie, or oatmeal

    8. Seed Cycling

    This is the concept of incorporating 1 Tbsp each of ground flax and pumpkin seeds in the first half of your cycle, or in the menstrual and follicular phases and 1 Tbsp each of sunflower and sesame seeds (or I like to use tahini, which is ground sesame paste) in the second half or ovulation and luteal phases.

    The idea is that pumpkin seeds have zinc and essential fats to help boost progesterone [source], ground flax helps to lengthen the luteal phase [source], sesame seeds contain lignans to help bind excess estrogen [source], and sunflower seeds are rich in selenium to support the liver and hormone regulation [source].

    There have been studies done on the effects of these seeds on hormone levels but not specific studies done on seed cycling as I just explained. Just incorporating more seeds in general helps to support hormone balance and can be a great addition for natural PMS relief. Anecdotally, many of my clients struggling with hormone imbalances or period problems have regulated their cycles relatively quickly by incorporating seed cycling.

    Remedy for natural PMS relief: incorporate ground flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds into your diet

    9. Turmeric

    Turmeric is another great remedy for natural PMS relief as it helps to reduce inflammation. The bioactive compound in turmeric is called curcumin, which is best known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps to reduce inflammation and scavenges free radicals that can damage cells. Moderate or severe cramping can be an indication of inflammation in the body [source].

    Curcumin is not absorbed well in the bloodstream. Combining turmeric with black pepper or looking for curcumin supplement formation with black pepper or piperine can enhance the absorption of curcumin [source]. Piperine is the bioactive compound found in black pepper that has been shown to increase the absorption of curcumin.

    Remedy for natural PMS relief: : add turmeric to foods, make golden milk, or consider a turmeric or curcumin supplement.

    10. Vitex (chasteberry or castus agnus)

    Vitex, also called chasteberry or castus agnus, is an herbal supplement often used as remedy for natural PMS relief. This herb helps to boost progesterone – the hormone responsible for the second half of your menstrual cycle and balance out the estrogen to prevent estrogen dominant symptoms [source, source]. We can often experience period symptoms like cramping if we have an imbalance of our estrogen and progesterone.

    One proposed mechanism of action is that chasteberry extract causes a decrease in prolactin, which leads to a reversal of LH suppression allowing full development of the corpus luteum, increasing progesterone levels and reducing symptoms of PMS. This herb can help to balance out hormone levels, however may not be fore you if your LH (luteinizing hormone) is elevated.

    Remedy for natural PMS relief: : consider a vitex herbal supplement or tea - work with a healthcare provider to determine if this supplement is right for you

    Take away message:

    There are many remedies for natural PMS relief that you can start incorporating to reduce your monthly symptoms. If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your cramps, check out my hormone testing packages HERE.

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