14 Low Progesterone Treatment Ideas

14 Low Progesterone Treatment Ideas

Progesterone is a sex hormone released from the ovaries that is vital for conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The hormone can be broken down as ‘pro’ meaning to promote and ‘gesterone’ meaning gestation or pregnancy. It is released from the corpus luteum which is the remains of the ovarian follicle which releases the ovum or egg. Progesterone has 2 different paths each month depending on fertilization and ovulation. If your ovulated egg is fertilized, then progesterone rises after ovulation to help thicken the uterine lining for pregnancy. If your egg does not become fertilized after ovulation, then progesterone peaks and then declines, because you do not need to prepare for pregnancy. The uterine lining will shed and become a period. Progesterone is also involved in breast development and breastfeeding. Problems can arise when progesterone levels are too low regardless if you are attempting to conceive. Certain foods contain nutrients to help increase progesterone in the body.

What Are The Fertility Rates By Age?

What Are The Fertility Rates By Age?

Considering the societal shift of recent years portraying reproduction as a milestone to hit after setting a career path leaves the question of whether delaying reproduction negatively affects fertility. In the past, the goal of parents was to have babies earlier on so that the chance of healthy pregnancy was higher. In those times, this was acceptable because fewer women were working full-time jobs, so it didn’t matter to reproduce at a younger age. Times have changed, and more and more women are working full time and are focused on building a career for themselves independent of their partner, resulting in a delay in reproduction. This shift has led many people to believe that ‘30 is the new 20’ when talking about reproduction. Age is one of the easiest ways to predict fertility, but it is not the only indicator. Let’s dive into the truth of the matter and see how much fertility rates by age can change and the biological evidence for when fertility can start to decline.

What is Pregnancy Planning?

What is Pregnancy Planning?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for couples, but there are a lot of things you need to know and understand to have a successful conception. It can be overwhelming when you first learn about pregnancy planning but just know that starting early is the best way to ensure that you are prepared. Many of the topics covered here will help guide you to understand and balance your hormones. A successful and healthy pregnancy mostly relies on the state of your personal estrogen and progesterone levels. Without knowing how to track and balance these levels, it will take longer to achieve a successful pregnancy.

  • Nutrition is important because many foods we eat contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which help reduce stress during pregnancy planning. Some foods even contain the building blocks for our hormones aiding in the production of stable levels.

  • Understanding ovulation is important because without ovulation you will not be able to conceive.

  • Knowing how to track ovulation is important as well because you need to time your intercourse around this period so that the sperm and egg can actually meet.

What is the Fertile Window?

What is the Fertile Window?

Fertilization occurs when the sperm meets with the egg in the fallopian to result in pregnancy. This means that you are the most fertile during ovulation, the time when your egg spends in the fallopian tube. Because ovulation only lasts for 12-24 hours, it is hard to truly know the exact time it happens, and thus a fertile window was created to give a more broad time frame where ovulation can happen. The fertile window is usually a 6 day period, and the first 5 days are the days that lead up to ovulation and the sixth day is when ovulation occurs. It is possible to get pregnant at any point in the fertile window because, after intercourse, sperm can remain in the uterus for up to 6 days while it waits for the egg to enter the fallopian to then be fertilized. Here we will discuss how to identify the fertile window and ovulation.

How Poor Gut Health Can Affect Fertility

How Poor Gut Health Can Affect Fertility

Your gut health and fertility are related to hormone production and regulation. If you are experiencing certain issues with your gut health it can affect your hormone balance. How fertile you are depends on hormone balance and regulation. Specifically, when estrogen and progesterone are out of balance this can create issues that cause infertility because you are not ovulating properly. Gut health can significantly impact the hormone balance in your body.

8 Supplements to Increase Progesterone

8 Supplements to Increase Progesterone

Progesterone is the hormone released in the second half of your menstrual cycle after ovulation. It is produced by the corpus luteum, the sac that remains once you ovulate & turns into a hormone-secreting gland during the luteal phase. It’s important to dig into your root causes of low (or no progesterone). Supplements may help to support a nutrition, lifestyle, & movement foundation. It is also important to focus on food sources of these nutrients!

10 Reasons for Not Ovulating

10 Reasons for Not Ovulating

Ovulation is the main event of the menstrual cycle. It occurs during the halfway point in the menstrual cycle for one day. Ovulation is when the egg gets released from the ovary into the fallopian tube to prepare for fertilization and pregnancy. Progesterone is the hormone that promotes pregnancy and ovulation, and if progesterone is low, then you may not be ovulating (pro meaning to upgrade and gesterone meaning pregnancy).